Beyond the Basics: Unique Ways to Improve Your Mental Health
Social Media vs. Real Life: What’s Hurting Your Feelings?
Mastering Stress: Proven Strategies for a Healthier, Happier Life
The Rise of Eco-Anxiety and Its Effects on Teens
Supporting Teens Through Trauma: Effective Therapy Techniques
The Role of Art Therapy in Emotional Expression for Teens
Explore the benefits of art therapy in emotional expression for teens, enhancing mental health and resilience.
The Impact of Parental Anxiety on Children
Mindfulness Techniques for Managing Urges in Addiction Recovery
Rising Strong: How Adversity Sparks Personal Growth
The Impact of Social Media on Teen Mental Health
Sliding Scale Options Available at Attune Therapy in Buffalo, New York
Sliding Scale Therapy offered at Attune Therapy in Buffalo New York
The Different Types of Therapy for Anxiety
Therapy for anxiety
Unmasking the Layers: Exploring the Intersection of Addiction and Mental Health
The Intersections of Mental Health and Addiction
Let’s Fight Fair; When Couples Can’t Stop Arguing.
Bridging the Gap: Buffalo Therapy Office Now Accepting Medicaid for Inclusive Mental Health Care
Planning a Family With a Genetic Disorder: Advice and Resources
Unlocking Potential: How ADHD Affects Children and How to Help
Is Your Child Experiencing Trauma Symptoms? EMDR Can Help
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a safe and effective therapy for children and adolescents who have experienced trauma. EMDR can help children and adolescents cope with a wide range of trauma-related symptoms, including behavioral problems, academic problems, sleep problems, and emotional problems.